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We'll make the purchase
Copy the product link and insert on the Buyforme+ page.
Get your items in Armenia
Cashback will be directly credited to your account.

How it works? 

  • Register or log in your HyBuys account.
  • Place your order from European online shops on the BuyForMe+ page, fill in the requird information and pay. 
  • Your cashback will sit on your cashback balance after receiving the parcel. 


The word itself comes from English and can be translated as "(cash) refund". This system helps customers save cash on every online purchase. Whether it's fashion and cosmetics, household, garden or electronics, for everything you order online, you will receive a part of your order back.
The exact amount you receive depends on the amount of your order and the current cashback rate at participating stores. Normally you always get a certain percentage of your purchases back to your account instantly. With us you can decide what you want to do with your cashback.